




In March/April of this year there was some talk about a new mobile framework based on MooTools, MooTouch. It looked like a great and very promising alternative to jQTouch.

The framework was developed by Jacky Nguyen (see his LinkedIn profile) who has apparently joined Sencha last July. He is not mentioned anywhere on the Sencha website though (there is a Jacky in the forums).

For a while one could register an email on http://www.mootouch.net/ with the promise of being contacted later. That website is now gone (the domain was registered by a "Nguyen, Khac Trung" who may or may not be the same "Jacky").

Is Sencha Touch based on MooTouch? (It doesn't look like it.) -- Or was MooTouch killed for fear it would compete with Sencha Touch?



This is the last, that I've heard from moo & mobile: http://github.com/cpojer/mootools-mobile. Still under construction.


Currently another similar project would be MooTouch (also similar name) http://github.com/3n/MooTouch-Demo . This repo is currently only a demo which points to http://iancollins.me/MooTouch-Demo/ . The actual project is in a private repo which I think will be public once it's complete.
