I have a number of vectors of strings each containing dates. As a simple example vector A of size 2 might contain:
A[0] = "01-Jul-2010";
A[1] = "03-Jul-2010";
while a second vector B of size 3 might contain:
B[0] = "02-Jul-2010";
B[1] = "03-Jul-2010";
B[2] = "04-Jul-2010";
I'd like to form a vector C which contains the 'union' of the element in A and B:
C[0] = "01-Jul-2010";
C[1] = "02-Jul-2010";
C[2] = "03-Jul-2010";
C[3] = "04-Jul-2010";
When combining A and B I don't want any repeated dates so each element of C must be unique. Is there any in-built/stl (or Boost library) function I can call that will do this?