I am trying to develop a C++ application. Part of the Application is meant to create and initiate some properties of an Object and then store the object in a multi-dimensional array. Problem is after Object creation and storing the objects in the array, retrieving the Object values gives me pointers to NULL.
Please see code below for exact implementation:
Cell** TestMain::convertToMatrix(){
//char[] lengthArr = arra[0];
//int[][] temp
int rowCount = getCurrentRowCount(); // Gives the row count of the multi-dimensional array
int colCount = getCurrentColCount(); // Gives the column count of the multi-dimensional array
Cell** cellList;
cellList = new Cell*[rowCount];
for (int rowIter=rowCount-1;rowIter>=0; rowIter-- ){
cellList[rowIter] = new Cell[colCount];
for (int colIter=colCount-1;colIter>=0;colIter--) {
Cell *currentCell = new Cell(arra[rowIter][colIter],rowIter,colIter);
//Calculate weights
if (0==currentCell->getValue()) currentCell->setWeight(0);
if (1== currentCell->getValue()) {
if (isEdge(rowIter,colIter)) {
else {
//currentCell->setWeight(1 + getMinimumValue(cellList[rowIter+1][colIter]->getWeight(),cellList[rowIter+1][colIter+1]->getWeight(),cellList[rowIter][colIter+1]->getWeight() ) );
currentCell->setWeight(1 + getMinimumValue(cellList[rowIter+1][colIter].getWeight(),cellList[rowIter+1][colIter+1].getWeight(),cellList[rowIter][colIter+1].getWeight() ) );
cellList[rowIter][colIter] = *currentCell;
return cellList;
} `
Here is the code that performs the checking later in the code:
void StrawberryMain::printField(Cell** arrayOfCells) {
int row=0;
int column=0;
int maxRowCount= getCurrentRowCount();
int maxColCount = getCurrentColCount();
for (;row<maxRowCount;row++) {
Cell *cellArr = arrayOfCells[row];
for (;column<maxColCount;column++) {
Cell currentArrayCell = cellArr[column];
/*if (currentArrayCell==NULL){ // This line throws an error ->No match for ‘operator==’ in ‘currentArrayCell == 0’. Why?
printf("Returned Pointer for Cell was NULL");
else { */
printf("%s(%s)|", currentArrayCell.getWeight(),currentArrayCell.getValue());
When I run the program I get a whole load of nulls
printed on my screen as output.( One null for every object supposed stored in the array
I come from a Java background ( although I have dabbled in QT C++ before) so I am a bit miffed why this is happening. As much as I would appreciate an answer I would value an explanation as to why this happens ( or a link which explains why this happens) as I really want to understand the workings of the Language.
Thanks in anticipation.