



+4  Q: 

Delegate in C++0x

Hi! I want to ask, does C++0x going to provide delegate ? If no, tell me what is the best way (most efficient) to use delegation in C++ ? Boost.Signals ? FastDelegate ? Or something other?

+8  A: 

You can get delegate-like semantics using bind to bind a member function to a class instance:

#include <functional>

struct C 
    void Foo(int) { }

void Bar(std::function<void(int)> func) 
    func(42); // calls obj.Foo(42)

int main() 
    using namespace std::placeholders;

    C obj;
    Bar(std::bind(&C::Foo, obj, _1));

In this example, Bar() takes anything that has a single int parameter and that returns void.

In main(), we bind a pointer to the member function C::Foo to the instance of C named obj. This gives us an object that can be called with a single int parameter and which returns void.

We call Bar() with this object and Bar() makes the call obj.Foo(42).

James McNellis
+1, Or you could just turn C into a functor.
@jk: Only sometimes. Obviously in this case you could, but I don't have many classes in my application that have only one member function :-)
James McNellis

The C mechanism has always been function pointer & baton (except for qsort() and bsearch() which didn't take a baton).

So one would always pass the class object as the baton.


class tp {
        tp() { n = 0; }
        void m(int z) { printf("%d is %d\n", n++, z++); }
        int n;

void higher_func(int *opx, int cnt, void *handler(int itm, void *baton), void *baton)
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
        handler(opx[itm], baton);

/* You would need to provide this stub -- potentially templateable */
void translate_baton(int itm, void *baton) { ((tp *)baton)->m(itm); }

/* used like so: */
int main()
    int array[7];

    tp cx;
    higher_func(array, 7, translate_baton, &cx);
This question isn't about C: the C mechanism is available in C++ but that doesn't make it the best option.
Steve Jessop
I do a lot of work with delegates in .NET and believe me this way would have saved me trouble over the way of delegates than rather the other way around.

You don't necessarily need to wait for C++0x. You can implement Delegates almost as well in the current C++03 standard. You simply have to overload the operator (), so as you can call MyObjectFunctor functor; functor(); and since the functor is an object, you can pass it as a delegate/object into functions;

the current version of the STL defines the header <algorithm> that provides functions ready to be used with Functors/Lambdas/Delegates.

simple example of a functor.

struct FunctorDelegate
    // as so to delegate as a function that takes an int input
    void operator()(int) 
        // do what I want

int main()
    //... do some stuffs with an std::vector<int> aRange; 
    FunctorDelegate functor;
    std::for_each(aRange.begin(), arange.end(), functor);
Stephane Rolland
+1  A: 

You don't need c++0x. in <functional> you have bind1st bind2nd mem_fun and mem_fun_ref. You also have Boost.Bind which generalizes all of the above functions (IIRC).

Going from memory ...

vector<Foo> foo = makeVector();
vector<Foo*> foop = makeVectorP();
vector<Bar> bar1,bar2,bar3,bar4;
transform( foo.begin(), foo.end(), back_inserter( bar1 ), mem_fun_ref(&Foo::getBar) );
transform( foop.begin(), foop.end(), back_inserter( bar2 ), mem_fun(&Foo::getBar) );
transform( foo.begin(), foo.end(), back_inserter( bar3 ), bind1st(&bar_from_foo) );
transform( foo.begin(), foo.end(), back_inserter( bar4 ), boost::bind(&bar_from_foo, _1) );