I have 3 activities in my app:
Activity1 -> Activity2 -> Activity3
Inside Activity3, if the user presses Back, I would like to return to Activity2. In Activity3's onPause event, I added a finish() statement. That's probably not even necessary, but I wanted to make sure this Activity gets cleaned up. This works fine.
However, while in Activity3, if the user presses Home or starts a new app (through notification bar or some other means), I want both Activity3 and Activity2 to finish. If the user returns to this app, he should resume with Activity1.
I have figured out how to do one or the other, but I can't figure out how to handle both cases, if it's even possible. Can I trap the "Back" button in Activity3 and send a message back to Activity2 telling it not to finish()? It seems like the Activities follow the same lifecycle flow (Pause, Stop) regardless of what you do to send them to the background.
Just to answer the question of why I want this behavior, imagine that Activity1 is a login screen, Activity2 is a selection screen, and Activity3 is a content screen. If I press Back from the content page, I want to be able to make a new selection. If I exit via any other means (Home, notification bar), I want the user to be "logged out".
Thanks in advance for your help.