




first sorry bad english

i retrieve from a db some values and save them in a file. i have a list with an id in every li element.

When i click an element i want to append the line from the file which is equal with the id i just clicked

example i have :

 <li id="test1">just test </li>

there is a test1 value in a line at the file...i want it to append the value of it when i click it.

$(document).ready(function() {

            $.get("serverResource", function(data){
                        $('#test1').click(function()    {

the problem is the "data" has all the file data and not just a line..how i can get a line from the file and then check the value with the id and if its true append it



if your test data looks like this:


and line X correspondens to li X, then you could read the content of the file you load via AJAX in a javascript array by splitting the lines and then inserting the data like so:

            <script type="text/javascript">
                $(document).ready(function() {                                 
                    $.get('my_data.txt', function(data) {
                        var lines = data.split("\n");

                        $('#root li').click(function() {
                            var li = $(this);
                            // find position of the li in the containing ul
                            // and append the line to the li
                            var index = $('#root li').index(li);
            <ul id="root">
                <li id="test1">Content 1</li>
                <li id="test2">Content 2</li>
                <li id="test3">Content 3</li>
                <li id="test4">Content 4</li>

This only is a good approach if your data file does not contain hundreds of large and long lines. Reading that much data in a javascript array consumes a lot of memory.

If you have much data, you should use serverside logic to extract the line from the file:

            <script type="text/javascript">
                $(document).ready(function() {                                 
                    $('#root li').click(function() {
                        var li = $(this);
                        var index = $('#root li').index(li);

                        // use this ajax request to let PHP fetch the content of that line
                        $.get('fetchline.php', 'index=' + index, function(line) {

And fetchline.php could look like this (simplified):

// get the index provided as GET var
$index = intval($_GET['index']);
// read all lines from the data file in an array, not super optimisied, 
// but should do for not too large files
$lines = file('my_data.txt');
// print the line with index = $index
print $lines[$index];