



I am looking for a book on IPhone development that must have following topics. Is there any on Amazon?

* Event Handling
* Address Book
* Event Handling
* Address Book
* Network
* Threads
* Audio
* UIKit Framework
* Internationalization
* Xcode
* Application Architecture
* Memory Management
* Objective-C
* Views
* Human Interface Guidelines
* Graphics

Also the books should cover everything in detail. You can also quote books that has half the topics in one and half in an other.


This might not be exactly the answer you're after, but if you would like a great source to learn iPhone development with, I found the videos from WWDC 2008 and 2009 extrememly helpful. They cover most, if not all, the topics you mentioned. Some of topics you mentioned, such as Human Interface Guidelines, can be found in the iPhone Dev Center.

Apparently you just need to register as an Apple developer (for free) and you will have access to a number of development videos, including WWDC 2010 session videos.

P.S. The reason why I didn't commend on WWDC 2010 is because I haven't watched any of them yet. I am sure they would be just as helpful, in a newer topics, e.g. iOS4.


Obj-C : Programming in Objective-C 2.0, Second Edition (O'Reilly)

iPhone SDK : Learning iPhone Programming (O'Reilly)

HIG : (you might need to login

Application architecture is covered in every books but experience is the key here !
