



When developing for mobile applications I want to target multi platforms, thus, i found that Rhodes Framework allows to code "a single application that works on all major smartphones".

As it's a ruby framework and I'm not a ruby programmer, I want to know if it's worth it !

  1. Is Rhodes working well in a production enviroment
    1. what customers they already have and what products using this do you know?
    2. if you already tested this framework, what do you think about it?
    3. How do you do to use native features of each app?

Rhodes has over 10,000 known customers on RhoHub (a hosted development service for Rhodes development). And over 50,000 anonymous downloads from various sources (rubygems, github, etc.). There are many apps posted at including walkthroughs from some of the developers. There are weekly training webinars at which are often conducted by active developers from the Rhodes community.

Rhodes doc (at has been ported to Japanese, Spanish and other languages by the community itself. And there are hundreds of active watchers, forkers and contributors on github (more than any other framework)

Adam Blum