In Rails 3 I use the following helper in order to get a even-odd-coloured table:
def bicolor_table(collection, classes = [], &block)
string = ""
even = 0
for item in collection
string << content_tag(:tr, :class => (((even % 2 == 0) ? "even " : "odd ") + classes.join(" "))) do
even = 1 - even
return string
And I use it in my views like this:
<%= bicolor_table(services) do |service| %>
<td><%= image_tag service.area.small_image %></td>
<td><%= link_to service.title, service %></td>
<% end %>
Now, I have to migrate the application to Rails 2. The problem is Rails 2 doesn't use Erubis, so when it finds a <%= whatever %> tag, it just calls whatever.to_s. So, in my case, this result in trying to execute
(bicolor_table(services) do |service|).to_s
With the obvious (bad) consequences. The question is: am I wrong in principle (like "helpers shouldn't work this way, use instead …") or should I look for a workaround?