
Is it possible to load a Rails helper at run time?

I have a View that can vary significantly, depending on the 'mode' a particular user has chosen. I thought I would extract the different behavior into two different Helpers, and then have code like this in the Controller: class MyController < ApplicationController case mode when 'mode1' helper "mode1" when 'mode2' helper "mode2" e...

Removing parameters from URL when using Url view helper links

When using the Url view helper to build links, if the current page has parameters in the url, the url generated by the Url view helper will contains parameters as well. For instance in the page /controller/action/param/value/ the following code: <a href="<?php echo $this->url(array( 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index' ...

Zend Framework headMeta() - keywords not appending

Hi, I'm using Zend Framework 1.8. I have a problem with headMeta() duplicating my meta keywords. In my layout.phtml, I have <?php echo $this->headMeta(); ?> I have a Custom Controller_Plugin_ViewSetup (extending Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract) that has the following code in it, in the dispatchLoopStartup() function: $view->h...

Is it better to set variable in the view or the controller in Zend Framework?

My question needs a bit of setup, so please bear with me: I became a convert to using View Helpers for getting data from a model rather than sprinkling it all over the controllers (hat tip to Eric Clemmons). It's much more reusable and flexible there. I just love it! What I usually do, is lay out the template in the index.phtml, and th...

Erubis block helper throwing error with concat

I have a couple of block helpers, here's a simple example of what I'm doing: def wrap_foo foo, &block data = capture(&block) content = " <div class=\"foo\" id=\"#{foo}\"> #{data} </div>" concat( content ) end I'm just trying out erubis and it's giving me the following error: You have a nil object when...

How to add a view helper directory (zend framework)

Hi, I begin with ZF (1.9.7), and I want to use View Helpers from a library shared between all my projects. But I can't find how to add it directory to the helpers path. My herpers works fines when I put them in application's helpers path. Here is the error, where I find the path to ZF helpers, and path to the applications ones. objec...

Use view helpers in controllers in Zend Framework

Hi all, I have a controller that is called with AJAX (sends JSON data), so I don't use a view. I need to use a personnal view helper to format my data, but in my controller. Is that possible ? Or maybe I am doing it wrong (maybe I should have a view, but how with JSON) ? ...

How to access the value of a url variable in a Zend view Helper?

I want to access the value of a specific variable (in the url) in my view helper. How can I do this? I'm able to get my controller name with: Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getControllerName(); , but I have no idea for the variable ... Thanks in advance! ...

How does headScript() view helper work?

I'm using Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript to add JavaScript code inside the <head> tag. $view->headScript()->appendScript($javascript); $view->headScript()->appendScript($javascript2); This works fine, except that my code is full of <script> tags (one for each appendScript call). How to add $javascript2 to the same <script> tag? I just wa...

Function to display a DateTime string or an empty string

I tried to create a view helper which takes a DateTime object and returns a string. If the DateTime object equals a new DateTime(0), the function returns an empty string. Otherwise return a formatted DateTime string. This works so far. public static string DateTimeOrEmpty(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, DateTime dateTime) { return date...

Need help figuring out how to write my zend view helper

Hello I'm fairly new to Zend Framework and MVC in general so I'm looking for some advice. We have a base controller class in which we have some methods to obtain some user information, account configurations, etc. So I'm using some of those methods to write out code in various controllers actions, but now I want to avoid duplicating th...

Zend Framework - Loading View Helpers from Modules

Hi, I am putting together a modular application in Zend Framework and am struggling to get module specific View Helpers to load. My directory structure is like this... application ---configs ---controllers ---forms ---layouts ---models ---modules ------user ---------controllers ---------forms ---------modules ---...

Zend Framework - Regex Routes and Url View Helper Issue

Hi, I have this route setup in one of my bootstrap files... $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex( 'user/(\d+)', array( 'module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'index' ), array( 1 => 'id' ), 'user/%d' ); $router->addRoute('user', $rou...

View helper with Rails returns the wrong value [Rails, Ruby]

I am trying to write a view helper but it's not returning the correct thing. def table_layout_for(object, *attrs) content_tag :table, :class => "layout" do for a in attrs content_tag :th do object.class.human_attribute_name(a) end content_tag :td do object.send(a) if object.respond_to?(a) en...

Adding Zend View Helper to all views in application (in bootstrap)

Hey guys, I am using Zend Framework 1.6 hence I'm not utilizing Zend_Application. I have a simple, normal View Helper (extending Zend_View_Helper_Abstract). It works perfectly fine as long as I add it to the view in my action controller. But I want to be able to use it in every view in every module. I figured it should be easy to jus...

Converting Rails 3 to Rails 2: helpers with blocks

In Rails 3 I use the following helper in order to get a even-odd-coloured table: def bicolor_table(collection, classes = [], &block) string = "" even = 0 for item in collection string << content_tag(:tr, :class => (((even % 2 == 0) ? "even " : "odd ") + classes.join(" "))) do yield(item) end even = 1 - even e...

Rails: resources for unorthodox urls?

Hi! I'd like to have a URL like this: /payroll/region/1 and I'd like it to map to the Tasks Controller's payroll_list function. I'd also like to use REST. What's the best way to do this? Many thanks! ...

Ruby on Rails' "controller.helper" is missing, how to solve it?

If a project is running Rails 2.2.2, and it uses controller.helper and the helper is not defined, then how can it be solved? (this is for the Facebooker2 gem details: error shown: => Rails 2.2.2 application starting on Exiting /Library/ Ruby/ Gems/1.8/gems/facebooker2-...

How to mock request object for rspec helper tests?

I've a view helper method which generates a url by looking at request.domain and request.port_string. module ApplicationHelper def root_with_subdomain(subdomain) subdomain += "." unless subdomain.empty? [subdomain, request.domain, request.port_string].join end end I would like to...