



I want to add a calendar to my app to which i can add events and stuff.But i cant find any info in this regard.One site provided code that wasnt workin too well. Any suggestions?? has a calendar example that is buildable but throws in warnings.Theres the issue that once you tap on a date it remains selected.Also for a beginner like me understanding the code seems a big ask

+3  A: 

Option 1 - If you really want to create a custom calendar control, then you will probably want to take a look at Kal on GitHub. It is a great looking control that looks just like the antive control in the Calendar app. I contacted the author and he indicated that it doesn't use any private APIs and he says that it has been successfully included in apps that passed App Store review.

Kal on GitHub:

Option 2 - You might want to consider using EventKit, which will allow you to integrate your application with the user's personal calendar. This allows you to add events as if the user were in the Calendar application and doesn't require you to build a separate calendar implementation.

From the EventKit Programming Guide:

The Event Kit and Event Kit UI frameworks together allow iOS applications to access event information from a user’s Calendar database. You can fetch events based on a date range or a unique identifier, receive notifications when event records change, and allow users to create and edit events for any of their calendars. Changes made to events in a user’s Calendar database with Event Kit are automatically synced with the appropriate calendar (CalDAV, Exchange, and so on). This document describes Event Kit concepts and common programming tasks.

Take a look at the programming guide for more details.

Andrew Little
@Andrew do you think this is the approach taken by the app 'IStudiez'.coz it has the best implemented calendar ive seen
Mithun Madhav
It is fantastic - looks just like the native calendar control.
Andrew Little
iStudiez uses its own calendar control AFAICT.
I have edited my answer to include another option - using Kal. See answer for details ...
Andrew Little
Thanks Andrew,your kal option worked for me
Mithun Madhav
Awesome, glad to hear it!
Andrew Little

Tapku also has a calendar control.

Thanks Elfred,but I found the kal calendar easy use.
Mithun Madhav

i used klazuka was easy enough to integrate it with my app

Mithun Madhav