You do not need to change ANY of your existing methods to use the "auto-bound" JNI format. There aren't good examples in the Google NDK samples, but the Google SDK uses the other JNI binding method internally: Search for RegisterNatives() in the JNI docs. But even then, you really only need to create a wrapper for the few places that the Android SDK needs to talk to your library: user input/sensors in general, a draw callback, and possibly an "update" callback. Aside from that the rest of your app should remain untouched, except to get it to build.
To simplify things, I'd recommend you not use the native widgets; if you keep your game entirely in OpenGL, you can avoid going through Java to, e.g., draw textures to the screen, at least if you target 1.6 devices and newer, where the NDK has native bindings for OpenGL.
Contrary to some opinions (including those of Google), the NDK can and frequently is used for porting games to Android. I'm using it that way right now, in fact. You need to pass user events from Java to C++, and you need to have Java set up the basic GL context (there are no EGL bindings in the NDK), but you can do pretty much everything else in C++ with OpenGL and, once your basic Java messages are being passed to C++, you can (mostly) ignore Java. Thank goodness. :)
You'll still need to talk to Java for sound, and to get access to your files: Both still need to go through Java, and so you'll probably want to use "reverse JNI," where you call a Java function from C++. Also not hard, and there are examples all over the place.
I talk more about how to access your assets here:
Good luck.