




(my boss says) that I have to implement a "Done" button on a navBar so that the various items in the view (that contain an edit box) will dismiss their keyboard (if they were in focus).

It seems that I must iterate through all items and then call resignFirstResponder on each on the off-chance that one of them is in focus? This seems a bit messy (and hard to maintain if e.g. someone else adds more items in future) - is there a better way to do it?


You don't have to iterate through the controls since only one can be first responder at the moment.

This will reset the responder to the Window itself: [[self window] makeFirstResponder:nil]

Thanks Gobra.I get an "unrecognized selector..." error - this object is a UITableViewController and that inherits from UIResponder and neither have that window() method?
Robin Pain
I have suggested solution for MacOS, not iOS (tags). I'm not sure whether UI-classes have similar method.

One solution is to use a currentTextField Object,

In .h file have an instance variable as

UITextField *currentTextField;

Now in .m file.

Note : Dont forget to set the delegates of all the textField to this class

- (void)textViewDidBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
   currentTextField = textField;

- (void)textViewDidEndEditing:(UITextView *)textView
   currentTextField = nil;

Now in your button action method

    if([currentTextField isFirstResponder])
        [currentTextField resignFirstResponder];

This avoids iterating through all the text field.


I have found it!

Thanks to this

I discovered that all I need do is this:-

-(void) done {
    [[self.tableView superview] endEditing:YES];

[remark] Also I learn how to do the equivalent of an "eventFilter" to stop UITableViewController from swallowing background touch events by intercepting them before they get there - from the same, wonderful post on that thread - see "DismissableUITableView". [end of remark]

Robin Pain