



Hi All,

I'm new to SQL CE. I'm programming in Classic ASP, connecting the SQL CE using ADODB.Connection. I have created the table and trying to insert data from the ASP. I tried in 3 ways.

  1. The inline insert statement [e.g. INSERT INTO tblName(col1, col2) VALUES(1,2)] (WORKED)
  2. The parameterized insert statement [e.g. INSERT INTO tblName(Col1) VALUES(?)] (WORKED). I added the Command Parameter and supplied the value.
  3. The parameterized insert statement with more than one param ( FAILED)

I dont know what wrong with multiple parameters. It throwing me the unhandled error when the Cmd.Execute statement runs.

"The remote procedure call failed and did not execute."

I did lots of Google to find out the issue. But no use. I didn't get any clues.

Please help me to solve this issue



have you set the CommandType property of the Command object to adCmdText?

cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

thats how i do this:

dim sql : sql = "insert into tbl(fld1, fld2) values(?, ?)"
dim cmd : set cmd = server.createObject("ADODB.Command")
cmd.ActiveConnection = adodbConnection
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

set param = cmd.CreateParameter("fld1", adVarWChar, , 20, "value1")
cmd.Parameters.Append param
set param = cmd.CreateParameter("fld2", adVarWChar, , 20, "value2")
cmd.Parameters.Append param

cmd.CommandText = sql