I am building a search function on my website and I am having some trouble locating an error in the SQL. There are four SQL statements used to return the counts of the same search using the AND and the OR keywords. The second set of SQL statements return the actual results of the AND and the OR searches limited according to the page number of the current search.
Below I will show the SQL function for the and count and and search. The code for the other two SQL statements is the exact same, only using OR instead of AND.
function _and_count($words) {
$arraysize = count($words);
$and_count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tg_id)
FROM tg_keywords
WHERE tg_keyword=";
if ($arraysize > 1) {
foreach($words as $word){
$count = 1;
if ($count == 1){
$and_count_sql .= "'".$word."' AND ";
elseif ($count < $arraysize){
$and_count_sql .= "tg_keyword='".$word."' AND ";
else {
$and_count_sql .= "'".$word."'";
} elseif ($words == 1) {
$and_count_sql .= "'".$words."'";
$and_count_result = mysql_query($and_count_sql)
or die(mysql_error());
return $and_count_result;
function _search_and($words, $startpos, $endpos) {
$arraysize = count($words);
$search_and_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT tg_id COUNT(*) AS nb
FROM tg_keywords
LEFT JOIN tg_info
ON tg_info.tg_id=tg_keywords.tg_id
WHERE tg_keyword=";
if ($arraysize > 1){
foreach($words as $word) {
$count = 1;
if ($count == 1 && $count < $arraysize) {
$search_and_sql .= "'".$word."' AND ";
} elseif ($count == 1 && $count == $arraysize) {
$search_and_sql .= "'".$word."'";
} elseif ($count < $arraysize) {
$search_and_sql .= "tg_keyword='".$word."' AND ";
} elseif ($arraysize == $count) {
$search_and_sql .= "'".$word."'";
} elseif ($arraysize == 1) {
$search_and_sql .= "'".$words."'";
} else {
$search_and_sql .= "''";
$search_and_sql .= "GROUP BY tg_id
ORDER BY nb DESC, tg_info.date_added ASC
LIMIT ".$endpos." OFFSET ".$startpos;
$search_and_result = mysql_query($search_and_sql, $link)
or die(mysql_error());
$and_array = mysql_fetch_array($search_and_result);
return $and_array;
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Archie