How's this look:
class HugeHack
HugeHack() : m_flag( false ) { }
void Logout( )
boost::lock_guard< boost::mutex > lock( m_lock );
m_flag = true;
// do stuff that in a perfect world would be atomic with library call and onLogout
// call a library function that waits for a thread to finish, that thread calls my onLogout() function before it dies
m_flag = false;
void onLogout()
boost::unique_lock< boost::mutex > l( m_lock, boost::defer_lock_t );
if( ! m_flag )
// do stuff
boost::mutex m_lock;
bool m_flag;
The flag is true ONLY while Logout is running, Logout legitimately waits for a thread to die that calls onLogout, so unless someone else can call onLogout... (can't be totally sure not my library I'm using - QuickFix)
I'm not sure I'm using the unique lock correctly there, if not, the goal is only to conditionally lock the lock (while maintaining scoped locking semantics).