



I want to develop Android apps on the Mac, but the information on is confusing. Apart from the , does the Mac need JDK or Eclipse ?

The JDK installation page gives a link to Apple site for downloading "Java Developer Preview 10M3222+9M3222", which is a pre-release version. I am not sure whether this is what I need. Also somewhere says Mac has already got Java SDK by default and no need to install extra, which makes more confusing.

Do I need to install the "Eclipse+ ADT Plugin for Eclipse" as well?



You don't need to install any JDK on Mac OS, there is one installed by default.

you can run the javac command to check that the JDK is present.

Usually it's in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.Framework/Versions/Current/

You still need to install other tools such as android SDK, Eclipse, and its plugins.

Colin Hebert
Thanks Colin, I just put on an screenshot as an answer at the same time when you send your answer. So I think my Mac does not need to install the JDK (5 or 6) said on . Thanks again.
That's right, you don't need any JDK.
Colin Hebert
Hi Colin, another question pops out when I am looking for how to install the Eclipse 64bit. Quoted: "If you are on a 64-bit system but are using a 32-bit JVM, then you should download the 32-bit version of Eclipse. Likewise, if you are using a 64-bit JVM, then you should get the 64-bit version of Eclipse."My Mac is 64bit, with "Intel Core 2 Duo". But how do I check the JVM whether 32bit or 64bit?
By default your mac uses a 64Bits JVM, you can check this into the "Java Preferences" application, and drag and drop JVM depending on what you want to be used in priority.
Colin Hebert
Thanks Colin, I checked the "Java Preferences", yes it is "Java SE 6 -64 bit" on top of (i.e. higher priority I presume) the "Java SE 6 - 32 bit".
It's exact, the highest JVM has the highest priority
Colin Hebert

Since the text below does not display properly as a comment, I have to put it on as an "answer", though it is not an "answer":

I just did a check, and not sure whether the following means I do not need to install any extra JDK. Is the Mac's JDK 1.6.0_20 the equivalent of the other platforms' JDK 6?

$ javac -version

javac 1.6.0_20

$ which javac


$ ls -la /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/

total 64

.... drwxr-xr-x 9 root wheel 306 26 May 11:34 A

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 26 May 11:34 Current -> A

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 26 May 11:34 CurrentJDK -> 1.6
