I got some trouble with bitfields and endian stuff... I confused.
I need to parse some data got from the network, the sent are in lil endian (im using boost::asio)
Can you explain me this
struct TEST
unsigned short _last : 1;
unsigned short _ID : 6;
unsigned short _LENGH : 9;
struct TEST2
unsigned short _LENGH:9 ;
unsigned short _ID:6 ;
unsigned short _last:1 ;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("Hello World!\n");
TEST one;
one._ID = 0;
one._last = 0;
one._LENGH = 2; //the value affected here is always divided by 2, it is multiplied by 2 when i cast a short to this structure
TEST2 two;
two._ID = 0;
two._last = 0;
two._LENGH = 2; //the value here is well stored
return 0;
00000000 00000001
00000010 00000000