I apologize if this is a duplication.
What column standardization would you use for storing international country subdivision data?
For example, if it was just US and Canada I believe all subdivisions have a 2-character abbreviation... which might lend to a Char(2)
This cannot possibly be sustainable internationally lest we presume there are only 1296 (A-Z, 0-9) subdivisions.
I've been unsuccessful locating an ISO list of these or even an indication of how to store them.
That's fine, I don't need to know them all now but I would like to know that there is a standard and what standard info to store as needed.
EDIT: It appears that I can accomplish this using the ISO 3166-2 standard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2
Browsable as a dataset here: http://www.commondatahub.com/live/geography/state_province_region/iso_3166_2_state_codes