




Hi I am new to Blackberry.I have a Bitmap which is used as a homescreen and it contains four stages.I want to make these stages as Buttons.I am developing the application in storm version.How can I implement these parts of the screen as Button events?Any answers appreciate.


Take a look at the BitmapButton example

Implement advanced buttons, fields, and managers
Started 04-21-2010
Modified 05-10-2010

Thanks Endevour for suggestion.But I want to create buttons on these four stages but these buttons should be transparent. I mean I want to make these buttons invisible. How can I do it?
Not really sure what you're trying to accomplish. ButtonFields do have ButtonField().setVisualState(state) method to distinguish their state. If you need to set a button invisible at all, you have to remove it from its Manager at all.
What I want to do is, make some part of the of the screen as Button render service.I have a Bitmap which is used as homescreen of the application.From that screen when I click on some part of it , it should take to the new screen.I thought you understand well what my issue is. Thanks in advance Endevour.
maybe one approach would be to split the image in parts and layout them like a grid, so you can get a single event per (bitmap)field. In your screens navigationUnlick method you can check which field is selected and handle the click.
Hi Endevour thankful to ur suggestion,but how can i split the image and make them in a grid layout.
actually I thought of splitting them manually. e.g. you split the image into 4 smaler ones... use a 2x2 grid and put every image in a 'gridcell'