I am trying to translate a function in a book into code, using MATLAB and C#.
I am first trying to get the function to work properly in MATLAB.
Here are the instructions:
The variables are:
xt and m can be ignored.
zMax = Maximum Sensor Range (100)
zkt = Sensor Measurement (49)
zkt* = What sensor measurement should have been (50)
oHit = Std Deviation of my measurement (5)
I have written the first formula, N(zkt;zkt*,oHit) in MATLAB as this:
hitProbabilty = (1/sqrt( 2*pi * (oHit^2) ))...
* exp(-0.5 * (((zkt- zktStar) ^ 2) / (oHit^2)) );
This gives me the Gaussian curve I expect.
I have an issue with the definite integral below, I do not understand how to turn this into a real number, because I get horrible values out my code, which is this:
func = @(x) hitProbabilty * zkt * x;
normaliser = quad(func, 0, max) ^ -1;
hitProbabilty = normaliser * hitProbabilty;
Can someone help me with this integral? It is supposed to normalize my curve, but it just goes crazy.... (I am doing this for zkt 0:1:100, with everything else the same, and graphing the probability it should output.)