



i need algorithm for generate random complex number please help i know how generate random number but random complex number confuse me

+5  A: 
  1. Generate 2 random numbers (x, y) (use the built-in rand/rnd/random class from your environment's libraries), where x is the real part and y is the imaginary part.

  2. Create a complex number class (with a constructor that takes a real and imaginary parameter)

  3. Use the 2 random numbers from step 1 to create a complex number, x + i y

Mitch Wheat
+6  A: 

I would simply generate two random numbers and use one for the real part and one for the imaginary part.


1.Generate 2 vector of numbers say one is real_vector and another is imaginary_vector of size say MAX_SIZE to be generated randomly with differrent seeds.

2.Random shuffle the numbers in vectors(real_vector+imaginary_vector) using any distribution let us say use of std::random_shuffle(uniform distribution).

3.randomly generate a index and apply modulo operator for MAX_SIZE and select index from first array that will provide an real part of ur random number.

4.use step 3 to get imaginary part of your random number.

5.Create a complex number using number got from step 3 and step 4 and store in a container.

6.go to step 3 and check if you want any more complex number;if no then break;

Sudhendu Sharma