



Iam a beginner in C++ language (2 years ago i starting to learn it) and now my friend that has a good skill in Java said me that 'learn Java Its better than C++' I said 'why' and she said 'Java is easy than C++ , java is speedy than C++ , java has a better Labor market and ...' please help me which language is better ? Java or C++ ? Thanks .


At least two of your friend's statements are incorrect as stated. Java is not faster than C++; at the best a similar code in written in both languages has the same performance. Also, the market for C++ is quite good as well, and the Android market should probably be exclude from consideration, as the framework is quite specific for the platform. (though that last point is indeed highly subjective :-))

On the other hand, learning C++ will help you understand better lot of things about memory management, whichis something you should know even if writing code for a garbage collection frameworks like Java and C#.

Franci Penov