



Hi I'm trying to pass an array of Address objects to another Activity through an Intent object.

As the Address class implements the Parcelable interface I try to do the following. I got a List Address object from a Geocoder object, which I convert into a array of Address objects. Then I put this array into the Intent and call the activity.

final Address[] addresses = addresseList.toArray(new Address[addresseList.size()]);

final Intent intent = new Intent(this, SelectAddress.class);
intent.putExtra(SelectAddress.INTENT_EXTRA_ADDRESSES, startAddresses);


On the other activity I try to retrieve the Address[] from the Intent with the following piece of code. But the call of the last line ends with a ClassCastException Landroid.os.Parcelable.

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();            
Address[] addresses = (Address[]) bundle.getParcelableArray(INTENT_EXTRA_ADDRESSES);

What am I doing wrong? How do I have to retrieve the Address[].