I have written this T-SQL script to roll up duplicate rows in a database that are created by a reconstruction process. To do this, it performs the following:
- Gets and stores the minimum target table primary key (ColTargetPK) per set of duplicate entries in a table variable (@minColTargetPKTable); determining duplicates by matching on three columns - ColIntA, ColIntB and ColDateTimeA.
- Sets the Target Column to be rolled up (TargetColVarchar) to equal a concatenation of the target column of the corresponding duplicate entries.
- Flags the duplicate entries as inactive (ColTargetStatus = 0)
- Reports success (or failure)
Due to the size of the dataset involved, this script takes an inappopriate length of time to run.
Can anyone see how this can be converted to be set-based, if so, could you please provide an example?
I apologise in advance if my description is a bit confusing...
declare @MinColTargetPKTable table
(ColIntA int,
ColIntB int,
ColDateTimeA nvarchar(25),
minColTargetPK int
insert @minColTargetPKtable
select ColIntA, ColIntB, convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) as ColDateTimeA,
min(ColTargetPK) as MinColTargetPK from TargetColTable
group by ColIntA, ColIntB, convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120)
declare @TargetColVarchar varchar(max)
declare @updatedColTargetPKs table
(updatedColTargetPKs int)
declare @minColTargetPK int
declare cur cursor
select minColTargetPK
from @minColTargetPKtable
open cur
fetch next from cur into @minColTargetPK
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
begin try
set @TargetColVarchar =
select replace(convert(nvarchar(max), isnull(TargetColVarchar,'')) + convert (nvarchar(max),' \par \par \par'), '\par } ', '\par') as
from TargetColTable v1
where ColIntA = (select ColIntA from TargetColTable where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK)
and ColIntB = (select ColIntB from TargetColTable where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK)
and convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) = (select convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) from TargetColTable where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK)
order by ColTargetPK
for xml path(''), type
set @TargetColVarchar = REPLACE(REPLACE (REPLACE (@TargetColVarchar,'<TargetColVarchar>',''),'</TargetColVarchar>',''), '
update TargetColTable
set TargetColVarchar = @TargetColVarchar
where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK
update TargetColTable
set ColTargetStatus = 0
from TargetColTable v1
where ColIntA = (select ColIntA from TargetColTable where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK)
and ColIntB = (select ColIntB from TargetColTable where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK)
and convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) = (select convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) from TargetColTable where ColTargetPK = @minColTargetPK)
and ColTargetPK != @minColTargetPK
Print 'Merge complete for ColTargetPK '+ convert(varchar(50), @minColTargetPK)
end try
begin catch
Print 'Merge failed for ColTargetPK '+ convert (varchar(20),@minColTargetPK)
end catch
fetch next from cur into @minColTargetPK
close cur
deallocate cur
EDIT: Ok, below is the script moved to a set-based operation using Preet's suggestion. To give some additional background, TargetTable is approximately 1.1 million rows. Strangely enough, the set-based script below is not significantly faster than the cursor-based script below on the same subset of data (approx. 20000 rows) over 2 trials. Any thoughts on why this wouldn't be faster?
declare @minColTargetPKTable table
ColIntA int,
ColIntB int,
ColDateTimeA nvarchar(25),
ColTargetPK int,
concTargetCol varchar(max)
insert @minColTargetPKtable (minColIntA,ColIntB,minColDateTimeA,minColTargetPK)
select ColIntA, ColIntB, convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) as ColDateTimeA, min(ColTargetPK) as minColTargetPK from TargetTable
group by ColIntA, ColIntB, convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120)
update @minColTargetPKTable
set concTargetCol =
select convert(nvarchar(max), isnull(TargetColVarchar,'')) + convert (nvarchar(max),' \par \par \par ') as
from TargetTable v1
where ColIntA = (select ColIntA from TargetTable where ColTargetPK = minColTargetPK)
and ColIntB = (select ColIntB from TargetTable where ColTargetPK = minColTargetPK)
and convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) = (select convert(nvarchar(25),ColDateTimeA,120) from TargetTable where ColTargetPK = minColTargetPK)
order by ColTargetPK
for xml path(''), type
, '\par } ', '\par '),'<TargetColVarchar>',''),'</TargetColVarchar>',''), '
update TargetTable
set TargetColVarchar = mv.concTargetCol
from @minColTargetPKTable mv
where mv.minColTargetPK = TargetTable.ColTargetPK
update TargetTable
set TargetColStatus = 0
from TargetTable v
inner join @minColTargetPKTable mv on
mv.minColIntA = v.ColIntA
and mv.minColDateTimeA = convert(nvarchar(25),v.ColDateTimeA,120)
and mv.ColIntB = v.ColIntB
where ColTargetPK not in (select minColTargetPK from @minColTargetPKTable)