



2nd edit: Already found the answer: UINavigationController has an option to show a toolbar and this video showed me how to substitue UINavigationController's standard slide animations by something different.

Hi all,

I'm trying to make an app that uses a navigation bar (top) and a toolbar (bottom) that can swap views in and out and putting them in between the two bars. I've started with a "RootViewController" and a nib that together contain and handle a view containing the navigation bar and the toolbar. I don't want to use the standard navigation-animation (views sliding sideways) all the time, but a different one instead. For the multiple views I want to create multiple viewcontrollers. The trouble I'm having with my current approach is that I don't know how to use interface builder to place a standard external viewcontroller placeholder in between the bars, kinda like UITabBarController and UINavigationController do (but with a toolbar). Am I going the right way with my approach or is all this possible by subclassing UINavigationController and configuring it somehow? If it is, please tell me how I can add a toolbar and configure the animations.

I you don't understand part of the question please ask, I'm new to iPhone programming, but I'd like to know how these things work so I can make a nice application (from the developer's point of view).

Edit: I just came to know that it is generally not advisable to subclass UINavigationController, so I suppose that's not the answer...