



I'm trying to create a filter, for some reason I am not seeing autocompletion when I create a class that implements a Filter.

When I type:

import javax.servlet

IDEA doesn't seem to pickup the namespace.

Is this a separate .jar that I have to setup in maven?


My filter mappings look like:



+3  A: 

I'm trying to create a filter, for some reason I am not seeing autocompletion when I create a class that implements a Filter.

Then you probably don't have the servlet-api defined as dependency in your pom.xml. Assuming you're using Servlet 2.5, your pom.xml should declare:

Pascal Thivent
thanks this worked! btw, where can I see a simple skeleton of a filter with web.xml example?
@Blankman [The Essentials of Filters]( is a good start (see [this]( for the small changes since then).
Pascal Thivent
funny, when I added the <filter></filter> xml in the web.xml, my </web-app> xml node is underlined in red (IDEA), not sure why. It says content element <web-app> must match. It does match! removing teh <filter>..</filter> tags gets rid of the error.
@Pascal, I updated my question with my filter xml part.
@Blankman Can't say without seeing all the relevant parts from the web.xml (except that you should probably use a wildcard in the url-pattern). Maybe open another question?
Pascal Thivent