Has anyone worked with NY police stops data mentioned in Gelman, Hill book Data Analysis Using Reg. and Multi/Hier Modeling (ARM). The data is under
the file is frisk_with_noise.dat. I removed the description part of this data, renamed past.arrests as arrests, saved it as frisk.dat. Called glm from R like this:
library ("foreign")
frisk <- read.table ("frisk.dat", header=TRUE)
attach (frisk)
glm(formula = stops ~ 1, family=poisson, offset=log(arrests))
The glm call is right out of ARM book. In any case, I get the error:
Error: NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 4)
Any ideas? Gelman has a piece of code under the same directory called police_setup.R that is supposed to have some cleanup code, but that doesnt work either.