



I've been able to read many of the Windows System Properties through Pywin32 and DSOFile, but I'm having trouble accessing the System.ContentStatus property.

import win32com.client

DSO = win32com.client.Dispatch("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
print DSO.SummaryProperties.Company #works
print DSO.SummaryProperties.ContentStatus #error
print DSO.SummaryProperties.Status #error

I've also been reading about using the IPropertyStorage and I started to try to find how to access the ContentStatus through this example (under Using Other COM Interfaces). I haven't been able to find the right PIDSI_* for the ContentStatus.

Which way is the appropriate (and perhaps preferred) method for accessing the ContentStatus? Also, what would be the right PIDSI_* for the ContentStatus if the IPropertyStorage is the way I need to go.