



I'm trying to distribute my iPhone application and doing everything like in apple's manuals. And finally, there is no embedded.mobileprovision in And also there is nothing about it in Built results. I followed all the recommendations (like clean all targets, clear CodeSign identity, remove all build directories and launch xCode again) and still have no progress.

What am i doing wrong?

There is one more thing i'd like to ask about. In Distribution configuration I've added Entitlements.plist, but builder shows me a warning: CodeSign warning: entitlements are not applicable for product type 'Application' in SDK 'Device - iPhone OS 3.1.2'; ignoring... May be these two things are connected with each other?


For distribution on the AppStore, you need not to have an Entitlements file.

ok, i've suspected that. i just was a little confused by apple's recommendations in their "how to" manual.
what about first part of ny question? i've tried dozens of adviced found in web and got no effect.
actually, i have one suggestion: before i've registered in iphone developer program and got certficates, i've been experementing with self-signing (fake certificates). may be some remains of that activity do affect on my problem? sorry for my English.