



Whenever I submit my app to itunesconnect, after about 10 minutes, the status changes to "Invalid Binary" with absolutely no explanation why.

I have searched all over for answers there is non. I even re-installed XCode and App loader.

Note that App Loader doesn't give any errors whatsoever.

I build with XCode 3.2.3 iPhone 4 GM Seed iPhone 4 based SDK iPhone/iPad as a target family


Did you zip the binary? Might want to try that.

From the iTunesConnect Developer Guide:

Application Binary and Small App Icons Keep the file size as small as possible, both for ease of upload through iTunes Connect, and for the end-user’s purchase experience. The binary must be a zipped file, and pass a code sign check upon upload in iTunes Connect.

iPhone and iPod touch: If you are uploading an app to run on iPhone and iPod touch, the binary must include an icon that is 57x57 pixels, which will be displayed on the home screen and the App Store when viewed from the iPod touch and iPhone. You can also optionally include a hi-res icon that is 114x1144 pixels to take advantage of the Retina display on iPhone 4.

iPad: If you are uploading an app to run on iPad, the binary must include two icons: one that is 50x50 pixels and one that is 72x72 pixels, which will be displayed on the iPad home screen and the App Store when viewed on the iPad.

Andrew Little
Yes I zipped the binary, submitted it via the App Loader successfully

I had the same INVALID BINARY error from iTunes Connect even if Application Loader accepted my binary. The solution was very simple...

Open your info.plist, right-click and check Show Raw Key/Values:

  • CFBundleIconFile = Icon.png (my iPhone 57x57 PNG icon)
  • CFBundleIconFile~ipad = Icon-72.png (my ipad 72x72 PNG icon)
  • CFBundleIconFiles = array
    • Item 0 = Icon.png
    • Item 1 = [email protected] (my iPhone 4 114x114 PNG icon)
    • Item 2 = Icon-72.png

Save, clean all targets, build and analyze, compress in Finder and resubmit!

The error was caused because I typed the key "Icon Files". In Raw view, this has mapped to "Icon Files" instead of CFBundleIconFiles. I have Xcode 3.2.3, I guess Xcode 3.2.4 better maps this key identifier.

Good Luck everybody!

Source: Technical Q&A QA1686: App Icons on iPad and iPhone
