



Can you explain how eaxctly you do the shifting and scaling

Can u explain how can u do purely shifting without scaling and purely scaling without shifting ..I tried this code use CAM::PDF; my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new('ccombined.pdf'); my $page = $pdf->getPage(1);

$page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[0]->{value} += 100;

$page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[1]->{value} -= 100;

$page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[2]->{value} += 100; $page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[3]->{value} += 100; $pdf->cleanoutput('out.pdf');


Can u explain the use of each of the array elements above which one is used for scaling and which one is used for purse shiting ..

I would also like to know about top-bottom along with left-right scaling shifting ..

how to uniformly zoom the pdf doc too ..