



Hi Everybody,

I want to fetch the facebook user's online friends using Graph API but i am not able to find any help from the net.

I am able to fetch the user's friends using Graph API but i want to know who are currently online, also more info about the user's friends like the image url,date of birth etc;

I am only able to fetch the user's friend's id and name using the following line of code

[_facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me/friends" andDelegate:self];

Can anyone help me with this...

Any code will be appreciated...

Thanx in advance...


This is currently not possible using the graph API.

According to a facebook dev forum thread on the subject there are ways to do this by calling a php script that the website itself uses in AJAX requests, or using XMPP

Joris Kluivers
Thanx for the reply...
Atulkumar V. Jain