



I have a requirement to export to Microsoft Project from my company's program. As far as I've seen there are a few options:

  • Use one of the interchange formats, e.g. xml, mpx, mpd
  • Use the COM object model and automation to write the file
  • Buy a library that can write the files

The interchange formats have the problem that they will give you an import dialog when you open them, and if you want to save in a different format you need save as, and you need to select the file format before opening them. I.e. it's not a smooth experience for the customer.

Automation requires everyone who exports from our program to have MS Project installed, which is not acceptable.

The only library I could find was Aspose.Tasks which only writes into the Project XML format.

Does anyone know of any library that can write native mpp files? I've seen a post from Microsoft that they have no intention of documenting the file format, but there are some Project Viewers out there so someone must have done something with it? (Although reading from it can be done with an OleDB provider now that I think about it).

Anyone? Write MPP files?