where will I find PHP5, mysql OOP examples? Whta I mean is common class library with examples.
See this thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3612688/best-practice-for-organizing-sql-queries-in-code/3612784#3612784
You basically need to use an ORM (Object Relational Mapping), this will remove the sql coding from your PHP application and by using object. http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_2/hu/database-abstraction-layer:drivers:mysql
2010-09-08 13:19:08
But i think there are different thinks you can use.
if you are new in php you can use a Database abstraction Layer like:
If you don't want SQL Code in your files then you can use Doctrine ORM but its a bit complicated.
If you want a complete Framework then you can use Symfony Its a PHP Framework like Zend with Dotrine ORM included.
2010-09-08 20:49:18