I have an array randomAlphabets which contains CCSprite objects. I need to start animation on these objects. The randomAlphabets array (NSMutable) can contain max of 4 elements. I am running a loop and then starting the animation. Is this the correct way?
-(void) startAnimation:(CCSprite *) sprite
[self generateRandomCoordinates];
id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:3.0 position:ccp(x,y)];
id actionRotate = [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:0.0 angle:rotateBy];
id actionMoveDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(finishedMoving:)];
[sprite runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove,actionRotate, actionMoveDone, nil]];
-(void) addAlphabetsOnScreen
for (int i=0; i<=randomAlphabets.count -1; i++) {
CCSprite *sprite = [randomAlphabets objectAtIndex:i];
[self generateRandomCoordinates];
sprite.position = ccp(x,y);
[self addChild:sprite];
[self startAnimation:sprite];