+1  A: 

This is a bit off a curveball, but why is it falling back to NTLM. I've had significant difficulty with security in active directory and WCF all related to service principal names (SPNs).

Kerberos will fail if you are running the service as something other than Network Service unless you have an SPN declared in the domain for your service. To set the SPN you need the windows server administrative kit, which has the command setspn.

setspn -A HTTP\machinename domain\service_account

This will then allow Kerberos to share client credentials to your service within the domain.

Please do some reading, as you could break kerberos for any other services running on the same box depending on your setup.

Well it's more that I want it to try Kerberos first and if that fails then use NTLM. I was hoping using Kerberos auth would automatically do this but it doesn't seem to.
Alex Angas
My first assumption as well. The way to think about it is if any service in the enterprise was trusted, then you could have a rogue service steal credentials, impersonate and do naughty things. The SPN forces the enterprise admin to say that this service is trusted to have your kerberos credential, otherwise don't ask for it.
That's good to know. I've reframed the question a little as I don't think it was quite clear. I need the web part to 'auto-select' the correct authentication depending on whether the service is hosted in Kerberos or Windows auth.
Alex Angas

I had the same error msg which I posted about here and solved it by creating a dynamic endpoint like so:

public static SiteMembershipSvc.SiteMembershipServiceClient InitialiseSiteMembershipService(string url)
    //create endpoint
    EndpointAddress ep = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(string), EndpointIdentity.CreateUpnIdentity("MyDomain\WCFRunAsUser"));
    //create proxy with new endpoint
    SiteMembershipSvc.SiteMembershipServiceClient service = new SiteMembershipSvc.SiteMembershipServiceClient("wsHttp", ep);
    //allow client to impersonate user
    service.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
    //return our shiny new service
    return service;

I was running the WCF service as a specific Active Directory user rather than the default NETWORK_SERVICE.

That's cool but I need to pass through the credentials of the current user to the web service.
Alex Angas

Try setting:

proxy.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowNTLM = true;

According to this, AllowNTLM is now obsolete - i'm not sure what the correct alternative is.

Alex Peck
Luckily I'm using .NET 3.5 where it's not marked obsolete. I'll give it a try - thanks!
Alex Angas
I checked this out and found that AllowNTLM defaults to true so unfortunately this didn't work. I've updated the question.
Alex Angas

I guess you are using the full dns name of the server as the address of the service. Try using the NETBIOS name or the IP address. That should force it to use NTLM.

If you know what protocol the server is using you can configure your app to use either the full name or the ip.

Hope that works for you.

Cosmin Onea
You're right, I am using the DNS name. That's my only option because the system is load balanced and I forgot to mention that the WCF service is hosted in SharePoint - it will only respond to requests on that DNS name.
Alex Angas

If your Kerberos fail it will automatically default to NTLM, you don't have to do anything special.




Inge Henriksen
This isn't the case. If I specify `HttpClientCredentialType.Windows` I get the error written in the question.
Alex Angas