



In C++,

Aside from dynamic memory allocation, is there a functional difference between the following two lines of code:

Time t (12, 0, 0); //t is a Time object

Time* t = new Time(12, 0, 0);//t is a pointer to a dynamically allocated Time object

I am assuming of course that a Time(int, int, int) ctor has been defined. I also realize that in the second case t will need to be deleted as it was allocated on the heap. Is there any other difference?

+3  A: 

I think you already understand all the differences. Assuming that you are well aware about the syntax difference of accessing a member of t through a pointer and through a variable (well, pointer is also a variable but I guess you understand what I mean). And assuming also that you know the difference of call by value and call by reference when passing t to a function. And I think you also understand what will happen if you assign t to another variable and make change through that other variable. The result will be different depending on whether t is pointer or not.

+11  A: 

The line:

Time t (12, 0, 0);

... allocates a variable of type Time in local scope, generally on the stack, which will be destroyed when its scope ends.

By contrast:

Time* t = new Time(12, 0, 0);

... allocates a block of memory by calling either ::operator new() or Time::operator new(), and subsequently calls Time::Time() with this set to an address within that memory block (and also returned as the result of new). As you know, this is generally done on the heap (by default) and requires that you delete it later in the program.

+1 for possible overload of `operator new()`
+1: Would also say that stack allocation **should** be faster than heap allocation.
Binary Worrier
"An address within that memory block" -- just any address anywhere within the block or a specific location such as the beginning?
@Sev: Generally close to the beginning. For POD classes, it'll be at or very near the beginning, and for classes with virtual members and/or inheritance, the pointer will generally be farther inside the block, to make room for the vtable and inherited members, if any.
+2  A: 

As far as the constructor is concerned, the two forms are functionally identical: they'll just cause the constructor to be called on a newly allocated object instance. You already seem to have a good grasp on the differences in terms of allocation modes and object lifetimes.

Ates Goral
+1  A: 

There is no functional difference to the object between allocating it on the stack and allocating it on the heap. Both will invoke the object's constructor.

Incidentally I recommend you use boost's shared_ptr or scoped_ptr which is also functionally equivalent when allocating on the heap (with the additional usefulness of scoped_ptr constraining you from copying non-copyable pointers):

scoped_ptr<Time> t(new Time(12, 0, 0));
Christopher Hunt
+1  A: 

No.. There is no other difference..

+1  A: 

There is no other difference to what you know already.

Assuming your code is using the service of default operator new.

+1  A: 

One more obvious difference is when accessing the variables and methods of t.

Time t (12, 0, 0); t.GetTime();

Time* t = new Time(12, 0, 0); t->GetTime();

Manoj R
void foo (Time t)
  t = Time(12, 0, 0);

void bar (Time* t)
  t = new Time(12, 0, 0);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Time t;
  foo(t);//t is not (12,0,0),its value depends on your defined type Time's default constructor. 

  bar(&t);//t is (12,0,0)
  return 0;