



Okay guys, you're my only help :)

I have GVIM v. 7.3, Exuberant CTags 5.8, omnicppcomplete (0.41) - all latest, to be exact. I'm trying to generate tags to use in VIM, but it seems to totally ignore data in tags file.

I've used ctags to generate tags file for bada framework - the file seems to be okay, class definitions present etc. I also tried to apply the same command to STL from Visual Studio.

ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language -force=C++ "c:\bada\1.0.0\Include\"

Also, I've mapped generating tags via hotkey.

map :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .

Trying to use any of files generated by these commands did not succeed. The command :tags shows empty tag list, but doesn't give any error, and I have no clue how to fix this.

Would appreciate any help :), Andrey


The problem was with path to tags file: c:\Program Files\Vim\bada. The VIM didn't want to parse string with spaces no matter what the slashes/backslashes used.

Reinstalling VIM to c:\VIM solved the problem.

I would suggest that your tags file should be local to your project dir. Putting user data into Program Files is pretty much considered an error anymore, and on Vista and Win7 you can't even do it without explicitly elevating privileges.