Hi all
This is about an iPhone App using MKMapKit:
I created a custom MKAnnotationView for a draggable Annotation. I want to create a custom animation. I set a custom pin image and the annotation is draggable (which both is not shown here, it happens in the mapview) with the following code:
- (void) movePinUpFinished {
[super setDragState:MKAnnotationViewDragStateDragging];
[self setDragState:MKAnnotationViewDragStateDragging];
- (void) setDragState:(MKAnnotationViewDragState) myState {
if (myState == MKAnnotationViewDragStateStarting) {
CGPoint endPoint = CGPointMake(self.center.x,self.center.y-20);
self.center = endPoint;
[self movePinUpFinished];
if (myState == MKAnnotationViewDragStateEnding) {
[super setDragState:MKAnnotationViewDragStateEnding];
[self setDragState:MKAnnotationViewDragStateNone];
[super setDragState:MKAnnotationViewDragStateNone];
if (myState == MKAnnotationViewDragStateDragging) {
if (myState == MKAnnotationViewDragStateCanceling) {
if (myState == MKAnnotationViewDragStateNone) {
Everything works fine, the annotation is moved up a bit, is draggable and when i release the annotation, the mapview receives the "dragstateending".
But now I want the animation to run over a time period and change the dragStateStarting to the following:
if (myState == MKAnnotationViewDragStateStarting) {
CGPoint endPoint = CGPointMake(self.center.x,self.center.y-20);
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
animations:^{ self.center = endPoint; }
completion:^(BOOL finished){ [self movePinUpFinished]; }];
The animations runs as wanted over the period of a second and the annotation is draggable. But when I release the annotation, the mapview is not receiving the ending through the delegat. What I also recognized was that when I am doing the animation with "UIView animateWithDuration..." is that immedently after beginning the dragging, as the animation starts, the ballon of the annotation opens. When i am setting the new center without the animation, the balloon keeps closed and is only opened after finishing the dragging by releasing the annotation.
What am I doing wrong? Is this the right way to override setDragState. Do I really have to call the super class? But without setting the dragstate in the superclass my mapview didnt realized the changes of the dragstate.
I wonder about the original implementation of MKPinAnnotationView, but because it is an internal Class I couldn't find a description of the setDragState method.
Thx for help. Cheers,