



i have an accounts class from that i have 3 types of accounts savings, credit, and homeloan.

i created a binary search tree to hold all the accounts as type account

how do i now access the methods of the subclasses depending on the type of object?

have resolved all errors with syntax and codeing but this.

been racking my head for 2 days . does anyone know how this is done ?

+2  A: 

The simple answer is, if you need to access the derived class functionality from a base class pointer, you have a design problem. In principle, you shouldn't need to know. If you do, something is wrong. You're supposed (in a pure sense) to call virtual functions from the base class interface, and have the derived classes implement their overrides such that they perform correctly.

Now then, sometimes, practically, you have to. So there is the possibility of a downcast. If you have Run Time Type information in your build, you can do a dynamic_cast<type*> and if the pointer you get back is non-null, then you have an instance of that type.

If you do go down this path, wrap it in something neat and don't let it proliferate - it can get messy. I suggest you see if there isn't a better way, using polymorphism.

Have fun!

I had a few things worked out but you covered the idea without getting too technical, and you were a little quicker at typing. :P
Thanks Sven :) So often, I have an answer in progress, and someone posts before I do. It's down to the second to get yours in first sometimes! I suppose it's good that there are so many people anxious to help.

Are you talking about methods that are defined for all accounts, with different implementations in each account? In that case you make them virtual members of the base class, and override them in each derived class.

Or are they methods that only exist in some types of account? This is often an indication that the design could be better, but you can solve the problem either by trying to dynamic_cast the pointer to each type of account in turn, or by using something along the lines of a Visitor pattern.

Mike Seymour