



Here is a sample piece of code. Note that B is a subclass of A and both provide a unique print routine. Also notice in main that both bind calls are to &A::print, though in the latter case a reference to B is passed.

#include <iostream>
#include <tr1/functional>

struct A
    virtual void print()
        std::cerr << "A" << std::endl;

struct B : public A
    virtual void print()
        std::cerr << "B" << std::endl;

int main (int argc, char * const argv[])
    typedef std::tr1::function<void ()> proc_t;

    A a;
    B b;

    proc_t a_print = std::tr1::bind(&A::print, std::tr1::ref(a));
    proc_t b_print = std::tr1::bind(&A::print, std::tr1::ref(b));


    return 0;

Here is the output I see compiling with GCC 4.2:


I would consider this correct behavior, but I am at a loss to explain how it is working properly given that the std::tr1::functions were bound to &A::print in both cases. Can someone please enlighten me?

EDIT: Thanks for the answers. I am familiar with inheritance and polymorphic types. What I am interested in is what does &A::print mean? Is it an offset into a vtable, and that vtable changes based on the referred object (in this case, a or b?) From a more nuts-and-bolts perspective, how does this code behave correctly?

+2  A: 

Because print() is declared virtual, A is a polymorphic class. By binding to the print function pointer, you will be calling through an A pointer, much in the same way as:

A* ab = &b;

In the ->print call above, you would expect polymorphic behavior. Same it true in your code as well. And this is a Good Thing, if you ask me. At least, most of the time. :)

John Dibling
You are binding not only to print(), which behaves polymorphically as noted here, but also to the object to call it from. The type of the object comes into play because of that second binding.
+3  A: 

This works in the same manner as it would have worked with plain member function pointers. The following produces the same output:

int main ()
    A a;
    B b;
    typedef void (A::*fp)();
    fp p = &A::print;
    (a.*p)(); // prints A
    (b.*p)(); // prints B

It would have been surprising if boost/tr1/std::function did anything different since they presumably store these pointers to member functions under the hood. Oh, and of course no mention of these pointers is complete without a link to the Fast Delegates article.

Thanks for the link!
When I saw this question that article was the first thing I thought of! Very interesting and thorough.
Niki Yoshiuchi