



EDIT: Two additional token types added.


I am trying to parse a line in a mmCIF Protein file into separate tokens using Excel 2000/2003. Worst case it COULD look something like this:

token1 token2 "token's 1a',1b'" 'token4"5"' 12 23.2 ? . 'token' tok'en to"ken

Which should become the following tokens:
token's 1a',1b' (note: the double quotes have disappeared)
token4"5" (note: the single quotes have disappeared)
token (note: the single quotes have disappeared)

I am looking to see if a RegEx is even possible to split this kind of line into tokens?



+1  A: 

It is possible to do:

You'll need to reference "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" in your VBA Project, then...

Private Sub REFinder(PatternString As String, StringToTest As String)
    Set RE = New RegExp

    With RE
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = False
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Pattern = PatternString
    End With

    Set Matches = RE.Execute(StringToTest)

    For Each Match In Matches
        Debug.Print Match.Value & " ~~~ " & Match.FirstIndex & " - " & Match.Length & " = " & Mid(StringToTest, Match.FirstIndex + 1, Match.Length)

        ''#You get a submatch for each of the other possible conditions (if using ORs)
        For Each Item In Match.SubMatches
            Debug.Print "Submatch:" & Item
        Next Item
    Next Match

    Set RE = Nothing
    Set Matches = Nothing
    Set Match = Nothing
    Set SubMatch = Nothing
End Sub

Sub DoIt()
    ''#This simply splits by space...
    REFinder "([.^\w]+\s)|(.+$)", "Token1 Token2 65.56"
End Sub

This is obviously just a really simple example as I'm not very knowledgable of RegExp, it's more just to show you HOW it can be done in VBA (you'd probably also want to do something more useful than Debug.Print with the resulting tokens!). I'll have to leave writing the RegExp expression to somebody else I'm afraid!


Simon Cowen
Thanks, Simon. I was familiar with the RegExp VB Script option. I just can't figure the single reg expression! :-) I am using OPtion Explicit so I had to add Dim statements to the VBA. I'll keep working on the right RegExp... I had forgotten the OR capabilities so you helped me there!
+1  A: 

Nice puzzle. Thanks.

This pattern (aPatt below) gets the tokens separated, but I can't figure how to remove the outer quotes.

tallpaul() produces:

 "token's 1a',1b'"

If you can figure out how to lose the outer quotes, please let us know. This needs a reference to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions" to work.

Option Explicit
''returns a list of matches
Function RegExpTest(patrn, strng)
   Dim regEx   ' Create variable.
   Set regEx = New RegExp   ' Create a regular expression.
   regEx.Pattern = patrn   ' Set pattern.
   regEx.IgnoreCase = True   ' Set case insensitivity.
   regEx.Global = True   ' Set global applicability.
   Set RegExpTest = regEx.Execute(strng)   ' Execute search.
End Function

Function tallpaul() As Boolean
    Dim aString As String
    Dim aPatt As String
    Dim aMatch, aMatches

    '' need to pad the string with leading and trailing spaces.
    aString = " token1 token2 ""token's 1a',1b'"" 'token4""5""' 12 23.2 ? . 'token' tok'en to""ken "
    aPatt = "(\s'[^']+'(?=\s))|(\s""[^""]+""(?=\s))|(\s[\w\?\.]+(?=\s))|(\s\S+(?=\s))"
    Set aMatches = RegExpTest(aPatt, aString)

    For Each aMatch In aMatches
          Debug.Print aMatch.Value
    tallpaul = True
End Function
Marc Thibault
Brilliant, Marc! A lot cleaner code that what I had written to handle the situation. I'm not a pro on reg exp like you, but if I can figure out how to get it to remove the quotes I'll add a comment. For now, I'll just test both ends of each token to see if it contains the same quote delimiter and remove accordingly.
Thanks Paul. I'm no pro, but work I'm doing on statistical models for planning and estimating ( has me back working with Excel and VBA after a long absence. What I do have is some good books. If you plan to be doing much of this stuff, I'd recommend "Excel 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference" by John Green et al. and, of course, the MSDN web site.
Marc Thibault