



In current project I need to create a panel that will contain an HTML content created by the user elsewhere in the application. This content can be easily inserted like this:

<h:outputText value="#{myBean.dynamicHTMLContent}" escape="false"/>

An example content:

<p>User text</p>

Now we need to give the user more freedom and allow him to use tokens in the HTML code that will be resolved by the application later:

<p>User text</p><p>User image: {niceImage}</p>

The application parses user content in myBean.dynamicHTMLContent and replaces {niceImage(param)} with

<a4j:mediaOutput element="img" createContent="{myBean.generateNiceImage}"/>

This is already a facelet snippet and cannot be evaluated and rendered in h:outputText.

I was looking for a good way to include this kind of dynamic content within a facelet at the stage when EL expressions are not yet evaluated. Something like

<ui:include src="src"/>

but for dynamic components would be the best solution.

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

What makes this complex, I think, is that #{myBean.dynamicHTMLContent} isn't quite HTML content but JSF content. I think the most flexible solution would be to write your own JSF component. Perhaps someone will correct me, but I don't think there's a way to replace text like {niceImage} JSF code.

There's some articles about this:

I'm no JSF expert, but you could probably:

  • extend org.ajax4jsf.MediaOutput
  • parse out all the text in curly braces
  • replace things like niceImage with references to #{myBean.generateNiceImage} or whatever
  • forward the actual work to the superclass, org.ajax4jsf.MediaOutput

Hope that helps!

The Alchemist
I was thinking about creating a custom JSF component, but the amount of work with JSF internals cannot be really justified by the simple job the component should do. It's the same <ui:include/> but a dynamic one. So I decided to create a temporary file and use <ui:include/> to include it into the facelet.
I agree that a creation of a component is the best solution (maybe not by extending the `MediaOutput`). See my answer for that.

Eventually I took the easy way by replacing all custom (curly braces) tokens in the user HTML with corresponding JSF elements and generating a temporary ui:composition facelet file:

public String getUserHtmlContentPath() {

   File temp = File.createTempFile("userContent", ".tmp");

   FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(temp);

   return "file://" + temp.getAbsolutePath(); 

and in the parent facelet:

<ui:include src="#{myBean.userHtmlContentPath}"/>
+1  A: 

I agree with user423943 in the idea of creating a component for that. However, I would extend the <h:outputText> instead. In your case, you will not have a lot of work to do. First, create a my.taglib.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE facelet-taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Facelet Taglib 1.0//EN" "facelet-taglib_1_0.dtd">

This file just need to be present in the classpath of your application and it will be loaded automatically by Facelets (because it ends with .taglib.xml).

Then, in the faces-config.xml defines the Java classes for this component:


Then, you will have to create two classes:

  • my.package.component.MyHtmlComponent that will extend javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText and do nothing more.
  • my.package.component.MyHtmlComponentRenderer that will extend the com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.TextRenderer class.

Your renderer class will do all the job, by generating the HTML code for the value of your component, exactly as the <h:outputText> does. You can have a look at HtmlBasicRenderer.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) and TextRenderer.getEndTextToRender(FacesContext, UIComponent, String) methods, that are involved in this part. Of course, when you are facing a {niceImage} code in your text, you simply need to generate a HTML img tag. For that, you can use the adequate methods of the ResponseWriter to build an HTML tag and attributes:

writer.startElement("img", component);
writer.writeAttribute("src", urlToImage);

Once everything is created, you have to use your new component in your JSF page:

<html xmlns:my="http://my.components/jsf"&gt;
    <my:myComponent value="#{myBean.dynamicHTMLContent}" escape="false"/>

Two links that can help you in addition to the ones provided by user423943:

You will find, for all HTML JSF components their types and classes.

This is definitely the best solution for simple cases like including an image or a link. However if we need to support virtually any possible facelet component, it's better to offload these tasks to JSF engine. In my case I was avoiding duplicating code which was already in a4j:mediaOutput because the image that replaces the token is generated dynamically on the fly.