



Does anyone know of a framework (written in PHP) to update PHP-based software ?

I'm thinking of a library that assists in checking for updates online and that provides methods for generating, downloading, verifying and installing update packages, maybe even with encryption and public-key signatures.

Ideally with a non-copyleft open source license (e.g. BSD or MIT License, no GPL).

While source control tools are nice in theory, they can complicate (initial) deployment of PHP applications as they are not PHP-based (limits portability) and are often quite large.

+1  A: 

What about a software that uses the source control tool, like git to check for new updates and loads the newest commit?

That is only a partial solution. Database must be updated in case there's a schema change, files must be updated if internal formats change, and so forth.
Yeah, source control tools would be near perfect, however I'd prefer a compact pure PHP solution for portability reasons. Database schema updates are probably not part of an auto-update framework unless it is a universal PHP framework with a database abstraction layer (but it may be doable for PDO though).
@Archimedix, you won't come around creating something like a source control software, because this is what you are partially looking for.
Include git hooks / php console to manage git from a php script maybe via cgi to prevent php timeouts.