Hello, i am using this approach. If there is an error in the sql, rollback only happens for the first id of the asset_group. Rest of the ids are ignored. Am i doing it the right way?
my $sql = "sql batch that update and insert depending on the condition";
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my @error = ();
my $num = 0;
foreach my $id (@asset_group) {
next if ($id eq '');
eval {
$sth->bind_param(1, $id);
$sth->bind_param(2, $vars{'other_id'});
if ($@) {
push @error, $@
} else {