



I am building a node.js app and wondering which javascript lib to add to my repertoire. Current short list includes:

Bonus points for something that works in the browser (so I can use it on both client and server).

Any ideas? Advice? Opinions on the above? Something else I should investigate?

+2  A: 

I really like underscore.js. I use it alongside async.js, which offers async-friendly versions of many of the same functions. Both of these work in node.js AND the browser, giving you some pretty powerful tools to use across all your code.

Working with underscore at the moment and I actually kind-of wish the methods just worked on the core Array object rather than being namespaced to _() ...
Toby Hede
Toby -- if you want to extend Array.prototype, then keep an eye on what Prototype.js is up to. Word on the street is that the next version is going to be fully ECMA5 compliant.