Pretty simple, in my AppEngine application, I have over 1 million entities of one kind, what is the best way to pick one at random?
Maybe one solution but i don't know if it's the best :)
import random
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.api import memcache
DATA_KEY = "models/keys/random"
def get_data():
data = memcache.get (DATA_KEY)
if data is None:
offset = random.randint (1, 1000000)
data = self.MyModel.all (keys_only=True).fetch (100, offset)
memcache.add (DATA_KEY, data, 60)
entity_key = random.choice (data)
return db.get (entity_key)
2010-09-12 08:35:21
The fetch will take increasing time as the size of the offset increases. You should expect a DeadlineExceeded exception on nearly every request with this code.
2010-09-12 13:02:09