



What are the pros and cons of echo3 framework compared to other java web frameworks?


I went to the Echo3 website and found an argument that discouraged me from testing it. It seems that it is a dead project:

the current version of Echo3 is 3.0.beta8, released August 6, 2009

Technically, I don't know...

Benoit Courtine
even though we are living at internet speed, I won't call a developing software dead just because there hasn't been a release for a year. human brains are slow, we can' accomplish that much in a year.

Echo3 is still under development. Echo2 is stable (but old). The main "pro" is that you don't write javascript or html, you write Java GUI code. The main "con" is that it has not been widely adopted. I've used Echo2 5 years ago and it was a nice framework, but the development of Echo3 is slow (thought it has not stopped).

Perhaps it is worth taking a look at other similar frameworks like GWT or Vaadin.

These (Echo, GWT, Vaadin) differ from traditional frameworks (like spring mvc, struts, wicket) in the fact that you don't write HTML, css and javascript. That's why they are more suitable for highly-interactive web-applications that would resemble a desktop application. If you, for example, need to have bookmarkable URLs, want to rely on browser navigation and such browser-intrinsic things, don't go for Echo/GWT/Vaadin (although they do provide some support for these things)

Disclaimer: I'm a member of the Vaadin team. Yes, Vaadin's value proposition is very close to Echo: write only server-side Java code and the framework will handle everything else to produce an slick and professional browser-based UI for you. OTOH, GWT is different: it's a client-side technology, meaning that you write your code against the DOM tree, and it's run in the browser. With GWT not all Java techologies are available, and you need additional code to access server-side stuff (eg. database, EJBs etc). Vaadin is being developed at full speed and it has excellent community support.