
Should I use Vaadin Framework

I just tried to play with Vaadin Framework and it seems to me very easy to use. Plus what I like about his framework is that it is built on top of GWT. What do you think, should I continue using this framework or it's better to stick with GWT. ...

how many versions of java are there?

I am little confused about Java frameworks (I am coming from .NET). Do you need different server setups to run Java, J2EE and JSP? Does Java make a distinction in frameworks for enterprise and non-enterprise deployments? Beans? Struts? Can someone make sense of this for me? .NET has: Windows development (Winforms, WPF) web: i) webfo...

Java Framework Choice Question.

We do have many frameworks available in Java. Struts, Swing, JSF 2.0, Spring etc are used as per their priority. Actually, I don't know how many they are as well! But, as I am fresher to Java, even learning after their architecture, I cannot decide which framework can be used with what type of Projects ! Also, I am confused with mixed ...

JSF 1.0 vs JSF 2.0

What is difference between these 2 version ? As a freshes to java, I just only got that, the difference is only at the point at architectural level. But, at a long perspective, I can't get that how much it affects to java ? Also, the MVC changes with JSF and Spring. Even if JSF has improved architecture, still Spring is in better use. Wh...

opensource java video/photo gallery web application

any recommendation of video/photo gallery java web application open source project? (something like youtube,picasa..) ? ...

Echo3 Framework

What are the pros and cons of echo3 framework compared to other java web frameworks? ...

Play Framework renderJSON Issue

I'm new to Play Framework, and having trouble rendering a JSON object. public static void LoginFail() { Object[][] statusArray = { {"Status", "401"}, {"Message", "Unauthorized"}, {"Detail", "No API Key Supplied"} }; renderJSON(statusArray); } This only displays "[[{},{}],[{},{}],[{},{}]]"...what am I doing...

Make widget that will follow user behavior at webpage/web application

Hi all! I would like to make/implement an widget that will show statistics for specific user at webpage (number of clicks at some links or butons, etc.). Initial idea is that user can click at some small button in corner of window and widget with his statistics will appear. That will later also be packed as Firefox plug-in. Regarding ...